Playground opening times

19th July 2019

In view of the success in previous years we will be opening up the schools main play area for you to come and use over the Summer Holidays with your children /families on the dates /times below. This is a great opportunity to meet friends and bring your children to play in a  familiar and much less busy park environment.

 Please note the following:-

 Parents/Carers will be fully responsible for supervising their children at all times whilst using the playground and Shaw Education Trust will not be held responsible for any loss, injury or damage whilst the playground is in use.

 You will be expected to sign an agreement stating this on your arrival. There will be no staff present to supervise.

 There will be no access into the school building during the sessions.

This means no access to toilets or refreshments.

You are of course allowed to provide your own refreshments and have snack or a picnic.

 The dates when the playground will be open (please use the side playground gate) will be as follows:-


Thursday 25th July 2019


Thursday 1st August 2019


Monday 26th August 2019


Thursday 29th August 2019


 If there are any changes to these dates e.g. a session is added or a session has to be cancelled then a text will be sent out advising you. The playground will be open whatever the weather and the dates above will not change for a rainy day.