
Welcome to Kingfishers (Y4) 
In our class Lorraine is our class teacher, Toni and Jayne are our teaching assistants all week, Lyndsay is our teaching assistant who works with us on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Louise comes and joins us on Thursday and Friday.  There are 10 of us altogether and
we love making friends, playing games, exploring objects and learning new things.
How do we learn in Kingfishers?
Communication, Thinking and Problem Solving, Creative Learning
We all communicate and learn in different ways and in Kingfishers we have lots of fun trying out various learning styles to see which help us to grow and enjoy learning. We have lots of sensory activities to encourage conversation and develop vocabulary. These can include water trays, messy play activities, using our senses to explore the world around us and developing our fine and gross motor skills. We use various resources to support our communication ranging from Visual Communication Aids, Makaton, LAMP, Gestural Prompts and Objects of reference. We have Attention Autism sessions which focus on offering an "irresistible offer to learn" through engaging and exciting objects and activities which support listening and attention skills as well as turn taking. Intensive Interaction and Phonic sessions are pivotal in our communication development as we focus on environmental sounds, initial phonemes and grapheme recognition using Read Write Inc teaching and learning strategies. We take part in Sensory Circuits which help with Alertness, Organisation and Calmness. We explore indoor and outdoor learning settings and have opportunities to participate in adult led group work, 1:1 workstation tasks, child led learning and continuous provision learning through play. 
Be Safe Online!
In 2024 it is a vital part of teaching and learning to keep all young children and their parents aware of the benefits of and the dangers of using the internet. E-SAFETY is  and integral part of our part of our curriculum and with Remote Learning being at the heart of our current pandemic, awareness of how to keep yourself and your children safe online is paramount. Please spend time to look at the information below which will help support you with your understanding of online safety and ways to explain and share this with your children.
Home Learning Journey
Below are some stories, information learning slides, web links and activities you can do at home with your children. They will be updated to reflect each terms learning objectives and themes. Along with links and resources which we use all year to develop and help make progression with our learning.